Shuangyu Road Leshang Pioneer Prak
Yueqing Bay Area Yueqing City
Zhejiang Province 325600 China

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Tag booth

Introduction to Hongli Electric

Taking the pursuit of customer satisfaction as the business purpose, vigorously carry out management innovation and technological innovation; the company strictly controls product quality, wins praise from customers with high-quality products, reasonable prices and good reputation, and provides timely, thoughtful and satisfactory products and services for domestic and foreign customers , Grow together with customers


由中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会、中国制冷学会、中国制冷空调工业协会共同主办,北京国际展览中心有限公司承办,重庆市制冷学会协办的第三十三届国际制冷、空调、供暖、通风及食品冷冻加工展览会(简称“2022中国制冷展”)将于2022年8月1-3日在重庆国际博览中心举办。 本届展会以“专注创新品质、致力低碳健康”为主题,展览面积近8万平方米,共有来自全球8个国家和地区的600余家企业及机构参展。格力、麦克维尔、天加、松下、冰山、冰轮、海立、中化蓝天、三花、芬尼克兹、曼瑞德、卡乐、欧博、依必安、西门子、霍尼韦尔、重庆通用等行业知名品牌将携最新产品技术和解决方案亮相本届展会。 Goodspec展位号:N3-A05 欢迎您的光临! WEISHANS展位号:N7-B15 欢迎您的光临! HONGLI ELECTRIC-SERVICE FOR GLOBAL CUSTOMERS Hongli Electric Co., Ltd. has been a professional manufacturer of contactors, AC contactors, DP contactors, light contactors, magnetic contactors, power relays, potential relays, switching relays and transformers, disconnect boxes,…

About Hongli Electric

Taking the pursuit of customer satisfaction as the business purpose, vigorously carry out management innovation and technological innovation; the company strictly controls product quality, wins praise from customers with high-quality products, reasonable prices and good reputation, and provides timely, thoughtful and satisfactory products and services for domestic and foreign customers , Grow together with customers
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